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Using CVS

1. revision control
2. keeping track of the changes between revisions
3. development of software by more than one researcher
4. easy sharing of the up-to-date sources

Cervisia is a wonderfull GUI to use with CVS, which make life even easier. The following are the basic steps to start using cvs as summarized by Bee Leong:

Example of a CVS repository structure :

$CVSROOT = /local/scratch/cvsroot 

| |
| +--ldpc
| | |
| +--Makefile,v
| +--ldpc_prog.cpp,v
| |--pilot-estimator.cpp,v
! |--mc-cdma-estimator.cpp,v

1. Tell CVS where to find the repository. So in the
.bashrc of your home directory, add these 2 lines:

$> export CVS_RSH='/local/<your-user-name>/.ssh/ssh-cvs'
$> export CVSROOT=:ext:prma:/local/cvsroot

Save the .bashrc file and type source ~/.bashrc, or start a new terminal window

2. To import a working directory into CVS

Say for example you have a directory called ldpc already:

$> cd ldpc 
$> cvs import -m "Imported sources" comms_it++/ldpc ldpc start

3. To checkout:

 cvs checkout ldpc 

This will create a directory called comms_it++ and populate the directory with source files.

$> cd ldpc 
$> ls CVS Makefile ldpc_prog.cpp

4. To check in after making changes and while you are in the directory ldpc:

$> cvs commit -m "Added ldpc (N,M)" ldpc_prog.cpp

5. To remove working copy in your PC after checking in:

$> cd .. 
$> cvs release -d ldpc

CVS will check to see what files have been changed since they were checked out. To play it safe you can do

$> cd ldpc 
$> cvs diff ldpc_prog.cpp

This will show you the difference between the file in your working directory and that in the repository. If there is a difference, then check in the file first before doing the `cvs -d release' command.
6. To tag a release:

$> cvs tag release-1-0 .

and to checkout a particular release

$> cvs checkout -r release tc 

7. To ADD files/directories to the repository

$> cvs add ldpc_new_program.cpp 

But before you commit, other developers will not be able to see it. So you must also

$> cvs commit -m "New ldpc program doing ..." ldpc_new_program.cpp 

when you feel that the program is ready.
8. To REMOVE files/directories to the repository

$> cd ldpc 
$> rm *.cpp
$> cvs remove
cvs remove: Removing .
cvs remove: scheduling Makefile for removal
cvs remove: scheduling ldpc_prog.cpp for removal
cvs remove: use 'cvs commit' to remove this files permanently

$> cvs ci -m "Remove unneeded files"
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Committing .

NOTE: Before commiting, you can still undo the remove command:

$> cd ldpc 
$> rm *.cpp
$> cvs remove
cvs remove: Removing .
cvs remove: scheduling Makefile for removal
cvs remove: scheduling ldpc_prog.cpp for removal
cvs remove: use 'cvs commit' to remove this files permanently

$>cvs add ldpc_prog.cpp
U ldpc_prog.cpp
cvs add: ldpc_prog.cpp, version 1.1.1., resurrected

Or if you realise your mistake before the cvs remove stage, you can

$> cd ldpc 
$> rm *.cpp
$> cvs update ldpc_prog.cpp
cvs update: warning ldpc_prog.cpp was lost
U ldpc_prog.cpp
University of Southampton: