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BER Calculator testbed

by Jos Akhtman

The following tool is capable of predicting the achievable BER performance of a wide range of transceiver schemes. The estimated BER performance is calculated using a semi-analytical model. The model employed is particularly accurate for uncoded systems, where it may be regarded as fully analytical. In the case of coded systems the model is designed to approximate the performance of the particular transceiver scheme employed by the authors. More specifically, we used a parallel-concatenated turbo-coded system.

Channel parameters:
RMS delay spread: μsec
Doppler frequency: Hz
Waveform parameters:
Signal bandwidth: MHz
Interleaver depth: symbols
Plotting options:


M: Rectangular M-QAM constellation type; coded: Channel encoding scheme [0 - none, 1 - rate 1/2 turbo]; it: No. channel code decoding iterations; ray: Channel fading type [0 - none (AWGN channel), 1 - Rayleigh fading]; B: Signal bandwidth [MHz]; T: Interleaver depth [symbols]; fD: Doppler frequency [Hz]; trms: RMS delay spread [μsec]; mt: No. transmitters; nr: No. receivers;

SNR: Signal to Noise Ratio - the ration between the total signal power and the AWGN power recorded at each receive antenna;
Eb/N0: Energy per bit to Noise ratio - the ration between the energy per transmitted information bit and the the average energy of AWGN sample recorded at each receive antenna;