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Comms Reading Club

Here we'll discuss a research paper each fortnight

30 Body-posture-based dynamic link power control in wearable sensor networks

Here is the next paper for our next reading club meeting.

Please put your comments and questions about the paper in this thread and we can discuss them when we meet at 4pm on Wednesday the 11th of August.

29 Adaptive minimum error-rate filtering design: a review

Here is the next paper for our next reading club meeting.

It's quite long so let's wait for three weeks before we meet again. You may also like to roll a dice to help you pick a random 6th of the paper to read - hopefully, this will mean that each part is read by at least one of us. 

28 MIMO techniques in WiMAX and LTE: a feature overview

Here is the next paper for our next reading club meeting.

Please put your comments and questions about the paper in this thread and we can discuss them when we meet at 4pm on Wednesday the 7th of July.

26 Power versus Bandwidth Efficiency in Wireless Communications: From Economic Sustainability to Green Radio

Please put your comments and questions about the paper in this thread and we can discuss them when we meet on at 4pm on Wednesday the 26th of May.

Take care, Rob.


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